Truth be told, there is no straight forward answer to this question, there is no silver bullet. A famous person once said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards". Looking back when I connect the dots, it is apparent that the only reason why I survived grad school is because of the amazing people that I met and the work that I did. I absolutely loved my work and the people that I worked with.
Grad school is a very personal process, a journey that one needs to take on their own. It is hard to understand this journey without actually going through it. The lessons that I learnt during this incredible journey are innumerable. Rolling with the punches, respecting ideas and opinions without necessarily agreeing with them, and managing uncertainties are just a few of the them. The most important lesson though is the fact that there are no shortcuts in life.
As humbling as these lessons are, ultimately, grad school has given me the confidence that wherever I go, whoever I am with, I will be fine. The dots will all connect. And for this confidence, I sincerely thank you grad school.