Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning and Mathematical Optimization
(Nonlinear and Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming)
- [Journal] A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Framework for Fixed Path Coordination of Multiple Underwater Vehicles under Acoustic Communication Constraints, P. Abichandani, S. Torabi, S. Basu, and H. Y. Benson, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (IEEE - JOE), To Appear.
- [Book] Mathematical Programming Approaches for Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning: Linear, Nonlinear, and Mixed Integer Programming, P. Abichandani, H.Y. Benson, and M. Kam, Foundations and Trends® in Robotics, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 261‐338, Nov. 2013 (Web - Abstract - Bib - Reference - PDF)
- [Conference] Robust Communication Connectivity for Multi-Robot Path Coordination using Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming: Formulation and Feasibility Analysis, P. Abichandani, H. Benson, and M. Kam, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013 (Abstract - Bib - Reference - PDF)
- [Book Chapter] Experimental Multi-Vehicle Path Coordination under Communication Connectivity Constraints, P. Abichandani, K. Mallory, and M. Ani Hsieh, International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER) 2012 (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF available on request), in Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics
- [Conference] (A survey of) Mathematical Programming for Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning Problems, P. Abichandani, G. Ford, H. Y. Benson, and M. Kam, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2012, St. Paul, MN, May 2012. (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF).
- [Ph.D. Thesis] Mathematical Programming for Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning Under Communication Constraints, P. Abichandani, Doctoral Thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Drexel University, 2011. (PDF)
- [Conference] Decentralized Multi-Vehicle Path Coordination under Communication Constraints, P. Abichandani, H. Benson, and M. Kam, International Conference on Robotics Systems (IROS) 2011, San Francisco, CA, September 2011. (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF)
- [Symposium] Decentralized Multi-Vehicle Path Coordination under Communication Constraints using Mathematical Programming, P. Abichandani, H. Benson, and M. Kam, Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) 2011, Bethlehem, PA, August, 2011. (Contributed Talk)
- [Conference] Multi-Vehicle Path Coordination in Support of Communication, P. Abichandani, H.Y. Benson, and M. Kam, in proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2009, Kobe, Japan, May 2009. (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF)
- [Conference] Multi-Vehicle Path Coordination under Communication Constraints, P. Abichandani, H.Y. Benson, and M. Kam, in proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC) 2008, Seattle, WA, June 2008. (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF)
Engineering Education
- [Conference] A Cloud Enabled Virtual Reality Based Pedagogical Ecosystem for Wind Energy Education, P. Abichandani, W. Fligor, and E. Fromm, in proceedings of the 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Madrid, Spain, October 2014
- [Conference] Using infographics as a tool for introductory data analytics education in 9-12, J. Kennedy, P. Abichandani and A. Fontecchio, in proceedings of the 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Madrid, Spain, October 2014
- [Conference] Should the first course in computational problem solving and programming be Student-Centered or Teacher-Centered?, C. Sahin and P. Abichandani, in proceedings of the 43rd Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 2013 (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference -PDF).
- [Conference] An initial comparison of the learning propensities of 10 through 12 students for data analytics education, J. Kennedy, P. Abichandani and A. Fontecchio, in proceedings of the 43rd Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 2013 (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF).
- [Symposium] The Use of Modern Hand-held Computing and Communication Devices to Expose Pre-university Students to Engineering, P. Abichandani and M. Kam, in proceedings of First IEEE International Symposium on Cost-Effective Museum Exhibits in Engineering and Applied Science, Hyderabad, India, December 2012.
- [Symposium] Exposing Pre-University Students to Engineering in Science and Technology Public Museums, M. Kam and P. Abichandani, in proceedings of First IEEE International Symposium on Cost-Effective Museum Exhibits in Engineering and Applied Science, Hyderabad, India, December 2012.
- [Conference] Symbolic Scientific Software Skills for Engineering Students, P. Abichandani, R. Primerano, M. Kam, in proceedings of Transforming Engineering Education: Creating Interdisciplinary Skills for Complex Global Environments, Dublin, Ireland, April 2010. (Abstract - Bib Reference - Txt Reference - PDF)
Sensor Fusion and Forensic Document Examination
- [Journal] Simulation Detection by Forensic Document Examiners, P. Abichandani, T. Hewett, M. Kam, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Accepted
- [Conference] Decision Fusion for Parallel Sequential Sensors, J. Wang, P. Abichandani and M. Kam, in proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion), Salamanca, Spain, 2014.